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5 Most Interesting Micronations: The Republic of Molossia

April 1, 2009

And we’re back! Over the last few weeks I have been posting what I find to be the top five most interesting micronations. This post contains #2 of 5. The others, so far, are #5, #4, and #3.

Name: Republic of Molossia
Location: There are currently three provinces included in the Republic of Molossia: one in Nevada, one in southern California, and one in Pennsylvania. The country also claims to have territory on part of the ocean floor, and part of a crater on the planet Venus.
Ruler: President Kevin Baugh
About this Micronation: Some may think that President Baugh might be crazy and a little too fanatical about this micronation, but that is what adds to the lure of this strange and mostly imaginatory state.  Keven Baugh says, on his website, that the nation was established in 1977 as a kingdom, but that in 1999 it changed to the Republic and has remained that way to this day. The country had many holidays, it’s own holidays, its own armed forces, and even its own national anthem. There has been a lot of thought put into this micronation, but unlike many of the other nations that I have shared with you this nation seems mostly all made up; all of the provinces are either within the boundaries of the United States, or in places that are inaccessable (Venus and the ocean floor).

The President with a peace pole.

Overall I think this is a very interesting nation because of its strong root in reality, but not really having any reality to base all the ideas they come up with in. There is a lot of information on the countries web pages, and if you are interesting in learning more I would highly suggest going there and doing some more digging around!

I shall see you at #1

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  1. None permalink

    Were is #1?

  2. Greetings!

    Well, I see Molossia made #2, and I’m very interested in the Micronation that made #1. It’s been a while and the suspense is killing me – who’s on the top of the list?

    President Kevin Baugh,
    Republic of Molossia

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